As Deepika’s co-star in Imtiaz Ali’s upcoming film Tamasha, Ranbir’s no-show caused a certain amount of comment and blame was placed on the box office turning a shoulder not just cold but positively icy towards his just-released film Bombay Velvet. Mumbai Mirror reports that Deepika did indeed ask Ranbir and his girlfriend Katrina to the party. “I also invited Ranbir and Katrina (Kaif) but I can understand them not wanting to party since I’ve gone through similar phases in my career,” she is quoted as having said.
Bombay Velvet, directed by Anurag Kashyap, released just a week after Deepika’s Piku and was Ranbir’s first leading role since 2013’s ill-fated Besharam. Expectations of the film were high but as it turned out, but it was deplored by critics and ignored in ticket sales, earning a measly Rs 23 crores versus a budget of Rs 80 crores. When Deepika says she went through ‘similar phases,’ she’s referring to a spate of her own films – Lafangey Parindey and the like – that sank without a trace till Cocktail came along in 2012.
Ranbir, who Deepika dated some years ago, was also her co-star in 2013 hit Yeh Jawani Hai Deewani. “I will never do anything to hurt Ranbir. He’d talk to me about Bombay Velvet during Tamasha, admitted it was a difficult character even for a brilliant actor like him. I’ve yet to see the film but it belonged to friends of mine and I empathise with their pain, I think the negativity surrounding it is unfair,” Deepika told Mumbai Mirror.
The 29-year-old actress also spoke to Mumbai Mirror about relating to her character in Piku. “I also woke up to complaints about the clogged sink or the missing maid. Even today, when I visit my parents in Bangalore, my sister and I lay the table for dinner and heat the food. I even help my mom with the washing up and make my own bed. The maid is there only during the day,” she said.
Deepika, one of Bollywood’s busiest actors, has not just Tamasha coming up later this year but also Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s Bajirao Mastani co-starring Ranveer Singh and Priyanka Chopra.
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