Siddharth Das talks to reporters in Kolkata today.
Siddharth Das, who lives in Kolkata, says he lived with Ms Mukerjea at her parents’ home till 1989; they did not marry. After they split up in 1989, Mr Das says he never saw Ms Mukerjea again. He says he had shared his phone number with Ms Bora, and she called him once in 2000. Mekhail, he said, he has never spoken to after their family was fissured.
Ms Das said that when Ms Mukerjea broke up with him, she said she was leaving for Shillong. In the years that followed, Ms Mukerjea married Kolakta businessman Sanjeev Khanna, had a daughter with him named Vidhie, then married former TV mogul Peter Mukerjea, and moved to live a posh life with him in Mumbai. In this time, she had reconnected with her children, daughter Sheena and son Mekhail, but was particular about presenting them always as her younger siblings. She was always ambitious, Mr Das said to reporters today.
Ms Mukerjea, a former media executive, was arrested last week in Mumbai for murdering Ms Bora, then 24 years old, in April 2012 in Mumbai. She has denied any wrongdoing, and, in lengthy interrogation, has maintained that Ms Bora, moved to the US three years ago and was not strangled by her in collusion with her second husband, Sanjeev Khanna, and her driver, both of whom have also been arrested.
The police says that after killing Ms Bora in a hired car, the trio of suspects set the corpse on fire in a forest on the outskirts of Mumbai. An anonymous phone call three months ago warned that Ms Bora has been killed by her own mother.
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